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JESUS IS RISEN-EASTER-Relevance In Today's World

Updated on June 15, 2012

What Is Easter?

Easter signifies RESURRECTION OF JESUS! Easter is also the most important day in the whole year for Christians to celebrate.Jesus,the Messiah was put to death on the CROSS and rose from the dead on the third day.He showed himself to his disciples and then arose into heaven.From then on,Jesus is known as CHRIST and this forms the basis for Christianity.Believing that Jesus came into the world to save sinners like you and me,then put to death on the cross,rose again on the third day and ascended into heaven,thus fulfilling all prophecies of the Old Testament.This forms part of the NIcene Creed that we affirm with faith at every Sunday's church service.He is the only Son of God and thus blemish free,but God chose to send him to pay a price for our sins,that we may BELIEVE and have everlasting life.

Jesus Christ,The Risen Lord!


After Jesus died on the Cross,Joseph of Arimathea,asked for permission to take the body and prepare it for burial.He then prepared the body with spices and wrapped it in a white shroud and it was laid to rest in a tomb.The heavy tombstone was rolled in place and two Roman guards were stationed outside to make sure that nobody would come to steal the body.For, it was prophecied that Jesus would rise on the third day,and Jesus himself had said so.Yet,at sunrise,on the third day when Mary Magdalene and another "Mary",went to anoint the body with more spices,they found that the guards were fallen down and the tombstone had been rolled away.When they went inside,they did not find Jesus' body and thought that it had been stolen.An angel who sat there in shining clothes told them that the Jesus they were looking for,was risen from the dead and alive.When Mary Magdalene sat there weeping,she asked a man she mistook for a gardener to give her the body of Jesus if he had taken it.Only,when she was called by name,did she recognise that it was Jesus.

A few hours after his resurrection,he appeared to two travellers on the road to Emmaus.(Luke 24:13-35).On the same evening,he showed himself to his disciples who were gathered together.(John 20:19).Over the next forty days,the risen Jesus appeared to many at different locations.

For Your Listening Pleasure!

Preparation For Easter Sunday And Observance of Easter

Lent is the forty day period before Easter Sunday and it begins with Ash Wednesday. Lent is a preparation for Easter.Lent means "fast".Devout Christians observe the Lenten period with fasting,Bible study and praying.Some give up their favourite foods or anything they normally cannot do without.In India,weddings are not held during this season.

WHY 40 DAYS? Jesus fasted and was tempted in the wilderness for forty days.Lent is therefore a time of fasting,praying,and repentance.Nowhere in the Bible does it say that we must observe Lent,but it has been a custom for Christians around the world to observe Lent.It is a time when Christians review their lives and renew their commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ.Serious self examination,intensive prayer and repentance strengthens Christian faith.

During this season of Lent,the sanctuary of all churches will be stripped of candles,flowers and devoid of colour so to remind us of our inward journey as we meditate and remind ourselves of our Saviour's death on the Cross for our redemption.

The week before is called HOLY WEEK beginning with PALM SUNDAY.Palm Sunday is celebrated to commemorate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem.

LAST SUPPER is observed on MAUNDY THURSDAY,the day before Good Friday. Before Jesus was taken away from the Garden Of Gethsemane,the disciples were called together for the Breaking of the Bread also called The Last Supper.Where Jesus also told about the one disciple who would betray him.In keeping with this,Christians attend church service where Eucharist is observed.

GOOD FRIDAY is the friday before Easter Sunday remembering the CRUCIFIXION.We have a three hour church service,between noon and three,meditating upon the "7 Words On The Cross",that Jesus spoke as he hung upon the cross.The three hours signify the time Jesus hung on the cross until his death. The significance of Jesus words on the cross is brought out by hymns,sermons from eminent preachers.

Sunrise service is arranged at church for EASTER SUNDAY at 5.30 AM.The service is usually arranged outside,beside the church building,with a large wooden Cross bedecked with white jasmine flowers,forming the centrepiece of a large stage where the pastor sits.Women form an essential part of the service,because Jesus showed himself to women first after he rose from the dead and it was these women who brought spices to wrap his body in the tomb at sunrise.Some Christians wear white on this day.

EASTER BUNNY or the rabbit was an earthly symbol of a Goddess Eastre,who was worshipped by the Anglosaxons.The Germans brought this symbol to America,though only after the Civil War,it began to be used as part of Easter celebrations.

Exchange of EASTER EGGS was already a custom during springtime much before it became part of Easter celebrations.Eggs are a symbol of rebirth.The eggs are coloured brightly as they are boiled with vegetable dyes.Today,children hunt coloured boiled eggs or those made out of chocolate or candy and collect in the basket.

Relevance Of Easter In Today's World

What is my purpose as a believer in Christ this Easter?

Hebrews 12:2  in the BIble states: “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” 

Jesus knew that he was to suffer,be shamed and put to death on the Cross,but he endured it all because of the greater glory it would bring to God and the joy it would bring in the heavens.The joy that would come every time a sinner repented and asked forgiveness-he would be saved.(Luke 15:10)

Spiritual renewal is the central theme for the observance of Lenten season culminating with the celebration of the RESURRECTION of Jesus on Easter Sunday.Deep introspection brings one to know weaknesses and seek forgiveness.Learning to forgive and forget also forms part of the process of true repentance.Becoming humble,empathizing with the havenots,and collecting for the self denial offering,makes us spiritually aware.Fasting make a stronger personality as your body adjusts to the sacrifice being made.You become mentally alert,physically more healthy,and a calm and quiet demeanor shows that you are closer to the Almighty.Your personality improves as you are made whole,in body,mind and spirit.Your prayer life improves and intercessory prayers become a part of your routine.Belief in the Risen Lord becomes the most important aspect of Easter and having faith in oneself and others becomes easier.Threefold fellowship is reinforced-with God,with oneself and with fellow human beings.

With renewed spiritual life,comes renewed relationships,and you become better at solving problems and are more adaptable to ever situation you may face.Your family life improves and you appreciate all that God has bestowed upon you.


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